My Work From Home Experience

As we all know, many loses their job due to to COVID-19 crisis but fortunately for us, we were given an opportunity to still work at the comforts of our home. Work from home  is the current option given to continue business but does it work?

Work From Home (WFH)
Its been 65 days since our company implemented the WFH setup as a countermeasure against the COVID-19 crisis. Haven’t been out from the subdivision’s compound since then. My work as a software mostly access web pages, cloud portals or product applications. Work can be done as long as there is an internet connection and VPN access to the company’s sites. It was a considerable option. Thankfully, I share the WFH setup with the husband who is also in IT company.
When going to the office, I had to commute for ~45 min to an hour depending on the traffic. Had to take 3 rides. I am used to the commute but the pandemic, I am now scared to take risk.
Our network provider is Globe with a data capped plan.

Cons:Work From Home Setup - Living RoomOf the places in our home, the living room is the place where the internet signal is at its finest, though nothing beats the network infrastructure at the office. But aside from occasional networks lags especially during huddles thru Teams, or loading issues when accessing tools or sometimes being disconnected from the VPN, I think our internet connection is doing good. Though data usage has capping, we use this reason to limit our kids from screen time during working hours.

We also let the kids stay here so we can monitor the kid’s school related activities while we are at our screens. We can immediately entertain their questions. We can bond.

Also, humidity during summertime makes you hot and sweat. We only have 1 electric fan to we have to share. Aside from opening windows or doors, we are of the household that relies on electric fans to keep the room cool.

So being together in the same area would means  unavoidable background noises from simultaneous meetings or questions from kiddos or from news from radios. I’m not complaining, these are my breather – to get chikas from husbands’s company, talk with my kids or get updated from the crisis or happening in our community or the country.

Prepping for family meals is also challenging for a mom who lack this skill. I miss my office lunch dilemma on whether to eat my baon or eat at the canteen. I am glad though this is the husband’s forte 🙂 however, it helps to have a menu guide too.

Work From Home - MultiTasking
I am one of the workers who cheer for WFH option because with WFH I have zero commute time. In fact, looks like I have more time 🙂 I don’t have to rush every morning just to avoid the traffic rush. I can work with my pajamas. I can manage my time and be more flexible. Though there was an agreed working time being set but at home I can be early than the agreed time to avoid network congestion when accessing the tools or extend late in case I have some urgent house chores.

Multi-tasking or juggling between work and home can be painful but I consider this an opportunity to have more quality time with family while working. I have my +1 during my meetings, my son seems interested on whom I am talking to and keeps on asking trivial questions. It might be annoying at times so I rely on school-related activities to at least ease their restlessness.  I can attend huddles while cutting my kid’s fingernails 🙂

Additionally, WFH also taught my kids to be more responsible in doing house chores. They learn to cook meals, wash the dishes, mop the floor, fix the bed and other mundane house chores. Also, you get to observed you’re kids and learn more about them. They are more subtle in their sibling quarrel considering they know we are around.
Work From Home - Me TimeTo sum up, as long as you are productive with your deliverable and comfortable doing it at home, then maybe WFH, Work from Home for you.

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